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An Evening With... Ed Yong

Monday, October 3, 2016
6:30 PM - 8:10 PM
Baird Auditorium, Ground Floor, National Museum of Natural History
10th St. and Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20013
United States
 Ed Yong_headshot.jpg

Image Credit: Courtesy of Ed Yong


The National Museum of Natural History invites you to attend a special evening with award-winning science writer and author, Ed Yong.  Yong will take you on a grand tour through the animal kingdom, from squids to aphids to deep-sea worms, as he speaks about his new book, I Contain Multitudes

In a conversation with Kirk Johnson, Sant Director of the National Museum of Natural History, Yong will reveal how microbes build animal bodies, affect their evolutionary opportunities, and might be manipulated.  He will make you question everything you think you know about natural history!

I Contain Multitudes will be available for purchase and signing after the program.



This program is part of the An Evening With... signature series featuring cutting-edge thought leaders in conversation with paleontologist and Sant Director of the National Museum of Natural History, Kirk Johnson

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